First goodbyes


First and foremost, we would like to thank you all!
Since the launching day, our website has been rocking!
A lot of people shared our page and we have received some important contacts and messages so far. However, the job isn’t finished and we are still searching for a job for Rodrigo. In order to make it easier, we updated the homepage with his CV and skills, so no excuses now!

About our weekend, the first round of goodbyes has started 🙁
Since this was a XL weekend due to a national holiday today, we decided to head up north and spend a couple of days in Oporto with friends.

I personally hate goodbyes because I don’t think that you should say goodbye to people that have been part of your life for the past years. However, as the time passes, more and more friends have gone abroad and therefore “goodbye” has been a part of the routine lately. So even though it was a farewell, we had a lot of fun and we hope to see each other soon in Oporto, Barcelona, Dubai or wherever in the world.

We would also like to get to know your friends. So if you have a friend or a contact in Dubai that might be useful to us, don’t hesitate to get in touch! Also, don’t forget to keep spreading the word and share our story! We would be grateful!


How can you help us?

One share

Just a share, no big deal but it brings us a step closer!

A tweet

Make us a trend so we can reach Dubai?

Drop an email with a reference

Help us by referring Rodrigo to someone you trust.


Give him an interview!

Arrange an interview with Rodrigo and get to know him better. A skype call, a phone call or even a presencial meeting. You name it.


Hire Rodrigo!

Only one person will get this opportunity! Thank you for helping us moving to Dubai together!
